You’re invited! East Voices Digital Series Online Launch Event

Stories and songs from London’s East End communities and beyond. This online event celebrates the launch of East Voices Digital Series.

Since June, Daedalus Theatre Company, in partnership with Numbi Arts, Bishwo Shahitto Kendro and Rua Arts, has hosted workshops and collaborated with East Londoners and a host of guest artists, to gather stories and music. We’re excited to now launch a series of storytelling videos hosted on the East Archive.

Join us for a story or two and a chat with some of our guest artists. Book via Eventbrite for the Zoom Link or join us live on the East Storytelling Facebook Page.

Funded by Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants.

East Voices Digital Series Online Launch Event
Saturday 16 October 3pm – 4pm

We hope to see you there!

P.S. If you still want to get involved, it’s not too late… We’ll be launching the new series on Saturday but it’s an ongoing project, so do get in touch.

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