Month: October 2021

Mobile Incitement on Channel S

Our artistic director, Paul, was on Channel S last night to talk about bringing Mobile Incitement to Freedom and Independence Theatre Festival, along with representatives from some of the other companies involved. You can watch it on Facebook here:

You can book your tickets for Mobile Incitement here:

We hope to see you there, for a unique combination of gig, theatre and celebration!

Mobile Incitement returns to East London

After having its tour cancelled due to the pandemic, Gerrard Winstanley’s True & Righteous Mobile Incitement Unit is back! And not just that – it’s returning to Daedalus’s home turf: London’s East End.

The show, made in collaboration with The Black Smock Band and Rua Arts, with funding from Arts Council England, been invited to open the Freedom and Independence Theatre Festival with a bespoke version of the show, featuring guest artist Saida Tani. Who is amazing. It’s all quite an honour, frankly. It’s next Friday and Saturday at the Brady Centre in Whitechapel.

You can find out about the festival and download the brochure here – there are lots of great shows and other events. Do have a look.

You can also jump straight to buying a ticket for Mobile Incitement (as we call it for short) here on Eventbrite.

We hope to see you there!

East on BBC London

Sef just did a fantastic interview on Jeanette Kwakye’s BBC London Radio show. You need to listen! It includes a clip from Michele Chowrimooto’s story, and some really brilliant observations from Sef about the role of storytelling, the importance of sharing stories across cultures, how the East Voices project works, and how to approach sharing your personal story for the first time.

Jeanette’s shows are great, but if you want to jump straight to Sef’s interview you can start at 01:36:38.

Go to East Archive for Michele’s story and many others.

You’re invited! East Voices Digital Series Online Launch Event

Stories and songs from London’s East End communities and beyond. This online event celebrates the launch of East Voices Digital Series.

Since June, Daedalus Theatre Company, in partnership with Numbi Arts, Bishwo Shahitto Kendro and Rua Arts, has hosted workshops and collaborated with East Londoners and a host of guest artists, to gather stories and music. We’re excited to now launch a series of storytelling videos hosted on the East Archive.