Can you help us?

Hi everyone,

We’ve created street theatre with local teenagers. We’ve taken our queered, musical version of English radical history to venues ranging from Latitude Festival to Tower Hamlets. We’ve created a performance with primary school kids to share their ideas for a better world. We’ve been part of Eid celebrations, the Tower Hamlets Boishaki Mela and A Season of Bangla Drama. We’ve worked with students at our local uni, Queen Mary. Our storytelling project East has brought together people from across the amazing diversity of East End heritages, including Bengali, Jewish, Somali and Vietnamese, to learn stories and songs from each other. We’ve created opportunities for deaf and hearing storytellers to collaborate and share skills. We’ve given refugees a voice, and we’ve made safe creative spaces for queer artists. We’ve given hundreds of people from all walks of life a chance to develop their creativity, and thousands of people a chance to watch, listen and participate in arts projects.

But we don’t fit the mould for regular support by major funding bodies. We can only get grants for specific projects, and each grant means days of unpaid work on applications. Most of the time, we’re running on fumes.

We understand that not everyone can donate. We know that we’re in particularly tough times. But to give you a sense of the difference you can make, if everyone visiting this website on an average month gave £2 a month, we could cover all our overheads and get some professional help with fundraising. If they gave £5 a month, it would pay for an administrator for one day a week, which would be transformational for a company of our size, and potentially unlock the door to regular funding.

It’s astonishing what we have already achieved with your help, and we can do so much more. If you can, please start giving us a regular donation today.

With huge gratitude,
The Daedalus team

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