
East Archive: progress report

We’re now well into the process of recording our stories and songs from the East project for our online video archive. Today we had a look at all the videos we have so far. Bangla, Jewish and Somali songs, folk tales from Bangladesh and Korea, personal stories from the UK, Bangladesh and Sweden…With plenty more still to come. It’s extremely rewarding to see our work being documented and we’re looking forward to sharing it with the world.

One of the highlights of this process was a get-together a couple of weeks ago, where we shared food, stories and songs. Several pieces from that session will be in the archive. Here are some photos from the event taken by members of the group.

The East storytelling project is a co-production between Bishwo Shahitto Kendro (BSK) and Daedalus Theatre Company. It’s managed by Daedalus and funded by Arts Council England and crowdfunding, with in kind support from Rich Mix and Tower Hamlets Arts & Events.

Going Beyond East

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Left to right: Farah Naz, Shamim Azad, Paul Burgess and Sef Townend. Photo credit: Indigo

East‘s behind-the-scenes organisational team met at Rich Mix to plan the next stages of the project. What started as a simple, short-term community storytelling project (led by Daedalus and Bishwo Shahitto Kendro, and supported by Rich Mix, the Arts Council and Apples and Snakes) has grown. With further support from the Arts Council plus some crowd-funding, we’re now making an online archive of our stories (and some songs) and working out how to support our storytelling group’s desire to do something longer-term, while also dealing with several offshoots of the project, including our work on radical history (which will probably now be treated as a separate project) and possible work with local schools and community centres. Oh and the events we’re planning as an offshoot of A Season of Bangla Drama. They’ll be in April. Watch this space…

All of which explains why the meeting was about three and a half hours long. We got through a lot of tea, but were very restrained and shared just one piece of cake between us.

East social

Members of the East storytelling group got together for an informal gathering yesterday, to catch up on on news, share food, discuss our plans for the future and – inevitably – tell some stories. (To those members who couldn’t make it – you were missed and we look forward to seeing you next time!) We’re currently between formal projects and waiting for the results of a funding application, but thanks to BSK, our main partner for East, we could meet in a local community space to keep the momentum going. All being well we have a creative few months ahead, including making a video archive of the stories we’ve told so far. Fingers crossed for funding. More information to follow as it happens…

Oh and it’s never too late for new people to get involved! Drop us a line.

Here are some photos.

Everything changes, tomorrow.

The Daedalus Radical Performance Reading Group is back. We’re meeting tomorrow to discuss Naomi Klein’s remarkable and timely hatchet job on the notion that capitalism can save us from climate change. (That’s a personal opinion, obviously. Cos if we all agreed, there’d be no point in having a reading group.)

If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on the group, drop us a line. We have a separate email group, rather than send info on every meeting to everyone on the mailing list.


East on TV – again!

Various people involved in A Season of Bangla Drama were on ATN Bangla TV channel last night, to be interviewed about their shows. Sef and Paul were there to talk about East. And on Wednesday evening, Shamim and Paul will be on Betar Bangla radio. Massive thanks to the A Season of Bangla Drama team for giving us these opportunities.

For more info about East, including how to book tickets, please see our project page.


Bangla Drama, shared

One of the great privileges of being part of A Season of Bangla Drama is meeting the other people involved. There’s an amazing community of performance-makers here in Tower Hamlets, and this festival really illustrates how Bangladeshi culture in the borough can become a catalyst for something truly diverse and cross-cultural. Our project is a perfect example: a collaboration between Daedalus and Bisho Shahitto Kendro.

Here are some photos (credit: Ziaur Rahman Saklen) of members of our East storytelling group with other participants at the SOBD sharing event last weekend.

You can see us perform at Queen Mary, University of London, on 7th November, 7:30pm. More details are here or you can just go ahead and book tickets online here.
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