Tag Archives: composer

Artist Spotlight: Shakira Stellar

For our seventh DYSBIOSIS artist spotlight we turn to the exciting, socially engaged work of multidisciplinary musician, composer, theatremaker and poet Shakira Stellar. In the first DYSBIOSIS R&D, Shakira crafted an ambient soundscape using lichen as a musical score, imitating its structures and textures using a synthesiser. During the second R&D, Shakira delved deeper into the symbiosis between the drummer and the earth, treating music as a dialogue of vibrations and frequencies. Through this exploration, Shakira sought to subvert the ancient notion of the “Great Chain of Being,” reimagining rocks and minerals not as the lowest, but as vital, resonant voices in the cosmic symphony.

Tell us about yourself and your creative practice

I’m a multidisciplinary artist, primarily working as a drummer and composer, but I’m also a poet and theatremaker. I fuse these mediums and approaches all the time and love doing so. I follow what sparks my interest and love to try new things so my practice is always developing and growing, which leads me to meet and work with new people, which is so wonderful. I love to learn new things, I’m so happy when I am, so who knows where my artistry will go!

How does your heritage influence the way you view/value nature?